Get Your Cat's UTI Treated ASAP

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Learning More About Pets Pet ownership can be tricky, especially if you aren't a natural caregiver. However, knowing how to look after animals is essential to making sure that your pet lives a long, healthy, and comfortable life. On this website, you will be able to find out all kinds of great information about pets, since every species is different and unique. Check out these posts for awesome information that could help you to know which animal is right for you, and which varieties tend to need the most care. After all, doing your research ahead of time could really pay off in the end.



Male cats can get urinary tract infections. The infections can be deadly because the crystals that form in the bladder can actually block off the ureters in your cat so that they can't pee. Their bladders will get very full, which can cause kidney issues. Your cat can go from seeming to be OK to a serious and possibly fatal condition in just a few hours. Signs that your cat is having problems with a UTI include getting into and out of the litter box repeatedly, straining to pee, yowling, and a swollen belly. If you notice any of these signs, you need to get your cat treated immediately. So, what's going to happen?

Vet Visit

The first thing that needs to happen is that your cat needs to go to a vet. While you may be pretty sure about what is going on, you need to have a medical diagnosis. If the infection is minor, your doctor may be able to fix the problem with a little medication that can help to relax your cat's bladder and help them pass the crystals and help them pee. The vet may also give your cat some extra fluids to encourage them to pee. They may do this by putting fluid under the skin, which will gradually be absorbed by the body. The vet may also send you home with some pain killers and a follow-up appointment time. 


If the situation is really serious and/or the vet can't clear up the problem immediately, they are going to need to make sure that your pet gets better treatment. That generally includes hospitalization. Your vet may have the facilities in their practice, or they may refer your cat to an animal hospital. The treatment that your cat is going to get at this point includes catheterization. That will be a small tube that is inserted through your cat's urethra and up into their bladder. The catheter will allow all the urine to drain out and for the vet to treat your pet. The urine will often be bloody because of the irritation to the bladder and ureter. Your cat may have to be in the hospital for three or more days, generally until they can pee on their own. 

If your cat has had one UTI, they are more at risk of having another one. You can help to prevent the problem by making sure they have plenty of fresh water and feeding them cat food for urinary health. 

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