If you completed training for a career as a veterinarian, an internship opportunity is an important part of training to get you prepared for the real-life experience in this exciting field. While your bookwork is important, the internship program gives you hands-on training and an up-close and personal look into the field. Once you are given this wonderful opportunity, you can follow a few guidelines to maximize the benefit of your internship experience.
Practice size matters
Are you planning to work in a small veterinary office, or do you wish to pursue a job in a large clinic with multiple staff members? Finding a veterinary opportunity in a practice close to the size you want to work in is helpful, as the experience can vary greatly. For instance, a large clinic is likely to be fast-paced, busy, and less personable. If you prefer working with a small staff and like a personal approach, you should try to secure an internship in a smaller practice.
Know your role
You may feel confident in what you learned in veterinary school and feel proud to have completed the course. However, being an intern is an extension of your learning experience. Always be respectful of the staff and embrace your role as you learn and grow in your experience alongside the professionals.
Do not be afraid to ask questions about procedures, tests, and treatments. Expect to be actively participating while working under the staff. Follow all office protocols and handle yourself in a professional manner.
Make a good impression
When you accept an opportunity to be a veterinary intern, you want to make the best impression possible. Always be willing to arrive early and if need be, stay after hours to complete tasks. With worker shortages, you may be asked to do jobs you feel are not what you signed up for but helping out where needed will show you are serious about your work and can be counted on when needed.
Always review the next day's cases and schedule the night before. Being prepared shows professionalism and helps you know what to expect the next day. It also gives you time to study procedures that are unfamiliar or new.
When you accept a veterinary internship opportunity, you want to make sure you get the most benefit from the program. Following some key tips will get you off to a great start and help you use the program to achieve the full benefit. Understanding how the process works and knowing what to expect will make it a positive experience for you and help you prepare for your future career.
For more information on veterinary internships opportunity, contact a professional near you.